Monday, September 15, 2008

Scrapbook Retreat Pictures!

Pictures from the retreat at Eagle Rock!

A view of the scrapbook area from above:

The porch on the back of the lodge:

The view from the back porch:

Scrappin' sisters:

We scrapped,

and scrapped,

and scrapped!

We had scrumptious meals made by this woman and her helper:

The dining room:

Happy scrappers!

Everyone had a great time and we all decided we are ready to do it again. Won't you join us? (Dates for the next retreat to be announced soon.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Your retreat looked like you girls had soooo much fun. If it wasn't so far for me to drive (by myself) I would have love to join you. But I enjoy reading your blod so very much. Thanks for all the info you share on your blog.

Oakland Tennessee