Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'm On the Top of the World.....

.....lookin' down on creation...... (remember the Carpenters?)

Top of the World - Tallassee, Tennessee - Eagle Rock Retreat Center - This is where I am spending the weekend. We are scrapping away in the mountains of East Tennessee and enjoying the beauty of God's creation. So quiet here and free from all the stresses of life - yes, this is bliss!

The first Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking Retreat has gotten off to a great start! And we are all busy scrapbooking (when we're not sleeping or eating!). The weather is perfect and the scenery the best in the world!

I hope you can join us next time (yes, there will be a next time - date to be announced soon). You're missing a wonderful retreat. Give me a call (or email) and I'll put you on my email list for future events.

Back to scrappin'......

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My New Friend: the UPS Man!

There are times in my life that I just want to get up and dance - one of those times is when the UPS man stops at my house and brings me new scrapbook products! I simply get all giddy inside and I have to restrain myself from hugging him. Of course, he doesn't realize that I am feeling this way; that's why I keep it all inside (at least until he leaves!). But all the same, it is one of the best days of my week when I see him coming.

Here are a few of the things he has sweetly laid at my feet:

These are from K and Company and they look even more beautiful in person. I will have them at the retreat, so if you haven't yet signed up, call me today!

There's lots more fun stuff at Ladybug Memories - I'll keep you posted!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

I found this spider on my porch one morning. It seems this particular species will weave two parts of a web, then "stitch" them together. I thought it was very interesting as well as beautiful.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Foto Fun Fiesta

This is a new friend I met last year at our city's Fall Festival. He was so nice to let me take his picture. Don't you just love the hat?