Monday, October 13, 2008

Scrapbooking in a Restaurant Booth?

When my husband and I go out to eat, it is not uncommon to see us with books in our hands so we can read while we wait for our food. Sometimes we read while we are eating as well. We get some sideways looks and even the waitresses have asked us about our habit a few times. What can I say? We are both avid bibliophiles!

I have often thought what it might be like to take my scrapbook projects into the restaurant and work on them while we dine. However, I am always stopped by the fact that I might get something wet or greasy and THAT would be a disaster. Besides, I don't think it is something my husband would approve of. So, I tell myself to be satisfied with restaurant reading, not restaurant scrapbooking.

Until now.

My next scrapbook crop (on October 25th) will be held in the former Ruby T.'s Restaurant in downtown Maryville, Tennessee from 8:00 AM until 10:00 PM. Scrapbookers will get a chance to crop in a booth, or at a table with other "restaurant scrapbookers". Pizza and drinks will be served for lunch. A computer and color printer will be available for use, and there will be goodies and door prizes given away to participants.

Cost is $25, or just $20 if you are a first timer or bring someone else who is a first timer.

Snacks will be available throughout the day.

So, if you've ever wondered what it would be like to scrapbook in a restaurant (or even if you haven't), come join us for the day. I'll be glad to save you a booth.

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