Soon to arrive at Ladybug Memories - more from Elle's Studio! These tags are simply adorable: choose from baby (blue or pink), dog, hearts, and lined circles.
Also coming - kits by Doodlebug Design! These kits contain all you need to create several scrapbook pages. Themes include boy, girl, birthday, and love. Retail price: $20.00 per kit. (See here)
And, we are getting these beautiful coordinates: Wild Saffron by K&Company (I just LOVE the journaling tag pads!):

If you see a scrapbook product you like in a magazine or on the internet (or anywhere else) that you would like for me to get for Ladybug Memories, send me an email and I'll see what I can do to order it for you. I am here to serve you, the customer, in all your scrapbooking needs. My goal is to help you in preserving your memories in any way I can.
Email me:
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