Monday, October 27, 2008

Scrapbook Crop - November 15, 2008

Ladybug Memories Scrapbook Crop in Maryville

November 15, 2008

Let’s get together at the Scrapbook Café!
Date/Time: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Place: the former Ruby T’s Restaurant, 216 E. Church Ave, Maryville, TN
Cost: $25

The cost of this event includes:
Pizza lunch
4 feet of table space per person
Sizzix and dies
Computer and printer for use
Circle cutter
Idea books
Drinks and snacks (including chocolate!)

If you bring a friend (someone who is coming for the first time), each of you will get $5.00 off your fee.

Beginners are welcome! I will have all you need to get started (just bring photos).

There will be a table at the crop with lots of supplies for you to purchase. Many of these things will be items you will not see in the local craft and scrapbook stores. If there is something you want before the crop, email me and let me know and I will get it for you.

There will be a limit of spaces available at this event, so sign up today!

Email me: or call me at 865-235-9957

Judy Dudley
Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking - Come Crop With Us!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Foto - What's Up?

I have wanted to take this picture and make a card. The photo and the words "Hi, there" would be on the front of the card, and when you open it up, it would say: "How are things going at your end?"

What do you think?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Will It Blend?

Have you heard about the Blendtec blender? Apparently, it is so amazing that it will blend just about anything. For example, what to do with all your out-of-date, unneeded scrapbook tools? Blend them:

Monday, October 13, 2008

Scrapbooking in a Restaurant Booth?

When my husband and I go out to eat, it is not uncommon to see us with books in our hands so we can read while we wait for our food. Sometimes we read while we are eating as well. We get some sideways looks and even the waitresses have asked us about our habit a few times. What can I say? We are both avid bibliophiles!

I have often thought what it might be like to take my scrapbook projects into the restaurant and work on them while we dine. However, I am always stopped by the fact that I might get something wet or greasy and THAT would be a disaster. Besides, I don't think it is something my husband would approve of. So, I tell myself to be satisfied with restaurant reading, not restaurant scrapbooking.

Until now.

My next scrapbook crop (on October 25th) will be held in the former Ruby T.'s Restaurant in downtown Maryville, Tennessee from 8:00 AM until 10:00 PM. Scrapbookers will get a chance to crop in a booth, or at a table with other "restaurant scrapbookers". Pizza and drinks will be served for lunch. A computer and color printer will be available for use, and there will be goodies and door prizes given away to participants.

Cost is $25, or just $20 if you are a first timer or bring someone else who is a first timer.

Snacks will be available throughout the day.

So, if you've ever wondered what it would be like to scrapbook in a restaurant (or even if you haven't), come join us for the day. I'll be glad to save you a booth.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday Foto - Washing the Car

I found my daughter outside one day, washing my car. Notice what she is using: a water gun and a rag. Fun, maybe, but I'm not sure how much of the car she was actually able to get to before she became tired and quit. It made for a great photo op, however.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Gotta Get Some Grungeboard

Yes, I know. I am soooooooo behind on what is new out there in the scrapbooking world. I have heard about grungeboard but, until now, I haven't seen what it really does.

I found this great video that shows what you can do with grungeboard. Makes me wanna go out and get some.

Have you used grungeboard? What did you think? Let me know in the comments.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Scrapbook Crop - October 25, 2008

It's only a few weeks away until our next crop in downtown Maryville, Tennessee. If you want to come, email me and I'll tell you where to mail your deposit. I'd love to meet you! Remember, if this is your first time scrapbooking with us, or if you bring a friend who is coming for the first time, your fee will be only $20 instead of the regular price of $25. That's 14 hours of cropping time for only $20! Come join us!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm All A-Twitter!

I've joined a website that I've been hearing about, but I recently decided to check out. It's called Twitter. It's another way to connect with those you want to know better. Check it out! (And, if you want to know what I'm up to, see my Twitter update in the sidebar.)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yoga for the Heart

Ok, this is not about scrapbooking, but it is guaranteed to give you a lift:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Week in the Life of Ali Edwards

If you haven't visited Ali Edward's blog recently, take a look. She's posting pictures and descriptions of her daily life happenings and answering questions about them. I'm not sure what makes this so attractive, but it is. I find myself wanting to do the same thing. You know, I think maybe I will. Now, where did I put that camera? (Just kidding!)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Celebrate Today

Today is World Card Making Day. Here are some ideas on how to celebrate:

1. Get some friends together and make Christmas cards.
2. Make some cards for hospital patients, military personnel, and/or nursing home residents.
3. Hold a card trading party: ask friends to make several cards, giving each person a theme. Bring these to the party and swap with each other.
4. Find some great ideas for cards here and here and see what you can come up with!

After you have made your cards, please send me a link to some pictures. I'd love to see what you have made!

Friday, October 3, 2008

News Article Postponed

Looks like the article for Blount Today will be in next week. Ok, I can wait (maybe!).

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

Hello, Carrie! Here's another foto for this week's fiesta:

"Behold, to the Lord your God belong heaven and the heaven of heavens, the earth with all that is in it." (Deuteronomy 10:14)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ladybug is in the News!

Woohoo! It looks like Ladybug Memories will be in the local news. I got a call from the editor of Blount Today and he said the business will be featured in the newspaper tomorrow (Thursday)!

So, for those of you who are local (Maryville/Alcoa, Tennessee), grab a copy of Blount Today this week and look for me. Hopefully, there will be pictures of the retreat we had in August along with an article about Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking.

Exciting stuff, huh?