Wednesday, November 19, 2008

72 Hours of Scrapbook Time!

Please note: the retreat coming up in January (see post below) is one day LONGER than the one we had in August. This time, we will be at Eagle Rock for three full days instead of two, from Thursday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. That's 72 hours of relaxing, snacking, and SCRAPBOOKING!

(If you can't come on Thursday, that's OK, just come whenever you can)

So sign up today to reserve your spot! I'd love to have you join us!

Time for Another Retreat!

Ladybug Memories Scrapbook Retreat
January 29 - February 1, 2009

Hey there! Let’s get ready to relax and retreat! Scrapbook retreat, that is. You know, plenty of fun cropping with friends, staying up late, eating as much chocolate as you want (and, of course, getting lots of pages done)?

Well, let me tell you what I have planned. I have reserved the whole weekend (4 days, 3 nights!) just for us at Eagle Rock Camp and Retreat Center in Maryville, Tennessee. Located in the Great Smoky Mountains just east of Maryville, this place is simply gorgeous! And the staff is the best in the world. Really nice people.

Here are the details:

Thursday, January 29, 4:00 PM. - Sunday, February 1, 4:00 PM

Crop as much as you want for 72 hours! Of course, you’ll want to leave a little time for eating the great meals provided, visiting with friends (old and new), and shopping the tables that will be loaded with plenty of yummy scrapbook supplies. If you want sleep, there’s a place for you to do that as well. And, I’m sure I’ll be spending some time enjoying the beautiful view….

There will be tools available, including a computer and printer, a Crop-A-Dile II, Sizzix and dies, sewing machine, and circle cutter.

Price: $210 includes 4 feet of table space, 9 meals, snacks/drinks, goody bag, and door prizes. (Discounts for groups of 5 or more.)

An $80 non-refundable deposit is required upon registration with the remainder due upon arrival at the camp.

The first 10 people who register will receive a special scrapbook-related gift valued at $10.00 retail, so sign up today!

Come crop with us! I’m sure you’ll be glad you did!

Judy Dudley, Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking
(865) 235-9957

Yes, I'm Still Here!

WOW! I can't believe I've let so many days go by without blogging. It seems like the last month has flown by.

I hope all of you are having many great scrappin' days lately. I haven't been able to do much of anything related to scrapbooking besides keeping the business going. I have really missed working on my personal scrapbooks, but I'm sure I'll find some time soon, even if I have to stay up late to do it!

I hope many of you are planning on coming to the retreat in January. It would make a great Christmas present to a favorite scrapbooker as well. Maybe some of you would want to ask your husband or boyfriend or another loved one to give it to you. If so, tell them all they need to do is email me ( or call me (865-235-9957) and I will reserve a spot just for you!

More news to come soon. Please stay tuned!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Scrapbook Crop - November 15, 2008

Ladybug Memories Scrapbook Crop in Maryville

November 15, 2008

Let’s get together at the Scrapbook Café!
Date/Time: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Place: the former Ruby T’s Restaurant, 216 E. Church Ave, Maryville, TN
Cost: $25

The cost of this event includes:
Pizza lunch
4 feet of table space per person
Sizzix and dies
Computer and printer for use
Circle cutter
Idea books
Drinks and snacks (including chocolate!)

If you bring a friend (someone who is coming for the first time), each of you will get $5.00 off your fee.

Beginners are welcome! I will have all you need to get started (just bring photos).

There will be a table at the crop with lots of supplies for you to purchase. Many of these things will be items you will not see in the local craft and scrapbook stores. If there is something you want before the crop, email me and let me know and I will get it for you.

There will be a limit of spaces available at this event, so sign up today!

Email me: or call me at 865-235-9957

Judy Dudley
Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking - Come Crop With Us!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Foto - What's Up?

I have wanted to take this picture and make a card. The photo and the words "Hi, there" would be on the front of the card, and when you open it up, it would say: "How are things going at your end?"

What do you think?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Will It Blend?

Have you heard about the Blendtec blender? Apparently, it is so amazing that it will blend just about anything. For example, what to do with all your out-of-date, unneeded scrapbook tools? Blend them:

Monday, October 13, 2008

Scrapbooking in a Restaurant Booth?

When my husband and I go out to eat, it is not uncommon to see us with books in our hands so we can read while we wait for our food. Sometimes we read while we are eating as well. We get some sideways looks and even the waitresses have asked us about our habit a few times. What can I say? We are both avid bibliophiles!

I have often thought what it might be like to take my scrapbook projects into the restaurant and work on them while we dine. However, I am always stopped by the fact that I might get something wet or greasy and THAT would be a disaster. Besides, I don't think it is something my husband would approve of. So, I tell myself to be satisfied with restaurant reading, not restaurant scrapbooking.

Until now.

My next scrapbook crop (on October 25th) will be held in the former Ruby T.'s Restaurant in downtown Maryville, Tennessee from 8:00 AM until 10:00 PM. Scrapbookers will get a chance to crop in a booth, or at a table with other "restaurant scrapbookers". Pizza and drinks will be served for lunch. A computer and color printer will be available for use, and there will be goodies and door prizes given away to participants.

Cost is $25, or just $20 if you are a first timer or bring someone else who is a first timer.

Snacks will be available throughout the day.

So, if you've ever wondered what it would be like to scrapbook in a restaurant (or even if you haven't), come join us for the day. I'll be glad to save you a booth.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday Foto - Washing the Car

I found my daughter outside one day, washing my car. Notice what she is using: a water gun and a rag. Fun, maybe, but I'm not sure how much of the car she was actually able to get to before she became tired and quit. It made for a great photo op, however.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Gotta Get Some Grungeboard

Yes, I know. I am soooooooo behind on what is new out there in the scrapbooking world. I have heard about grungeboard but, until now, I haven't seen what it really does.

I found this great video that shows what you can do with grungeboard. Makes me wanna go out and get some.

Have you used grungeboard? What did you think? Let me know in the comments.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Scrapbook Crop - October 25, 2008

It's only a few weeks away until our next crop in downtown Maryville, Tennessee. If you want to come, email me and I'll tell you where to mail your deposit. I'd love to meet you! Remember, if this is your first time scrapbooking with us, or if you bring a friend who is coming for the first time, your fee will be only $20 instead of the regular price of $25. That's 14 hours of cropping time for only $20! Come join us!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm All A-Twitter!

I've joined a website that I've been hearing about, but I recently decided to check out. It's called Twitter. It's another way to connect with those you want to know better. Check it out! (And, if you want to know what I'm up to, see my Twitter update in the sidebar.)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yoga for the Heart

Ok, this is not about scrapbooking, but it is guaranteed to give you a lift:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Week in the Life of Ali Edwards

If you haven't visited Ali Edward's blog recently, take a look. She's posting pictures and descriptions of her daily life happenings and answering questions about them. I'm not sure what makes this so attractive, but it is. I find myself wanting to do the same thing. You know, I think maybe I will. Now, where did I put that camera? (Just kidding!)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Celebrate Today

Today is World Card Making Day. Here are some ideas on how to celebrate:

1. Get some friends together and make Christmas cards.
2. Make some cards for hospital patients, military personnel, and/or nursing home residents.
3. Hold a card trading party: ask friends to make several cards, giving each person a theme. Bring these to the party and swap with each other.
4. Find some great ideas for cards here and here and see what you can come up with!

After you have made your cards, please send me a link to some pictures. I'd love to see what you have made!

Friday, October 3, 2008

News Article Postponed

Looks like the article for Blount Today will be in next week. Ok, I can wait (maybe!).

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

Hello, Carrie! Here's another foto for this week's fiesta:

"Behold, to the Lord your God belong heaven and the heaven of heavens, the earth with all that is in it." (Deuteronomy 10:14)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ladybug is in the News!

Woohoo! It looks like Ladybug Memories will be in the local news. I got a call from the editor of Blount Today and he said the business will be featured in the newspaper tomorrow (Thursday)!

So, for those of you who are local (Maryville/Alcoa, Tennessee), grab a copy of Blount Today this week and look for me. Hopefully, there will be pictures of the retreat we had in August along with an article about Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking.

Exciting stuff, huh?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Credit Cards Now Accepted

Good news: Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking now accepts credit cards! I have been approved for a merchant account and can now accept payment with a MasterCard, Visa, or Discover. You can now charge all those scrapbook goodies on your card.

There is a $1.00 convenience fee added to all credit card transactions.

Just one more way of serving you, my customer!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Come See Me at the Library!

Pardon me for a moment as I toot my own horn a little:

I am happy to announce that my scrapbook talents are being displayed right now in the Blount County Public Library in Maryville, Tennessee. That is where I work part-time. We have displays on the shelves at the circulation desks and the current displays are centered around a scrapbooking theme. My work, along with work done by my supervisor, is there on those shelves for all the world to see (well, at least our little part of the world).

So, if you live in this area, please come by and see our stuff. If you want, pick up a business card; stop by our little cafe for a smoothie, latte, or scone; and take a look at our beautiful facility. If you are lucky, I might just be there, too. If I am, please say hi. I'll be glad to meet you!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

Another picture of my youngest daughter. Thanks again, Carrie, for letting me participate!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fall Crop in October

Here are the details for the next crop (in October). For those of you who have been to one of my crops, be sure to notice the changes (new location as well as a few other changes):

Fall Fun Crop

The kids are back in school; let’s get cropping!

Date/Time: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Place: the former Ruby T’s Restaurant, 216 E. Church Ave, Maryville, Tennessee (this is a new location; we will have much more room for cropping and for more scrapbookers!)
Cost: $25

The cost of this event includes:

Pizza lunch
Goody bags
4 feet of table space per person
Sizzix and dies
Computer and printer for use
Sewing machine
Circle cutter
Idea books
Drinks and snacks (including chocolate!)

If you bring a friend (someone who is coming for the first time), each of you will get $5.00 off your fee.

A $10.00 non-refundable deposit is due upon registration in order to hold your spot. The remainder is due on the day of the crop.

Beginners are welcome! I will have all you need to get started (just bring photos).

There will be a table at the crop with lots of supplies for you to purchase. Many of these things will be items you will not see in the local craft and scrapbook stores. If there is something you want before the crop, email me and let me know and I will get it for you.

There will be a limit of spaces available at this event, so sign up today!

Email me: or call me at 865-235-9957

Judy Dudley
Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking - Come Crop With Us!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Retreat in January!

Ok, looks like we have a date for the retreat. I have reserved Eagle Rock again for Thursday, January 29th through Sunday, February 1. Cost will be $210 for three nights (includes 9 yummy meals!). Mark your calendars now and plan on joining us for a great time in the Smoky Mountains!

Keep checking back here for more info, or email me with your questions:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta!

This is my 9yo youngest child. (Note the jeans. Holey knees is a recurring situation in our family. See here and here.)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

John Sevier Days at Marble Springs

You are invited:

I want to invite all of you to join me at Marble Springs on Sept. 27th and 28th for the annual John Sevier Days and the South Knox Arts and Crafts Show.

From the Knoxville website:

"John Sevier Days 2008 will take families and friends back in time! Come out and enjoy good food, games and period demonstrations-such as spinning, candle making and basket weaving.

Enter to be a participant in one of the many contests - including pie eating, frying pan throwing, Bonny Kate look-a-like contest and tomahawk throwing!

Regional Artisans and Craftsmen will be showcasing their wears, which will be available for sale."

I will have a booth at the fair. Please come and see me. I'm sure it will be fun!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Scrapbook Retreat Pictures!

Pictures from the retreat at Eagle Rock!

A view of the scrapbook area from above:

The porch on the back of the lodge:

The view from the back porch:

Scrappin' sisters:

We scrapped,

and scrapped,

and scrapped!

We had scrumptious meals made by this woman and her helper:

The dining room:

Happy scrappers!

Everyone had a great time and we all decided we are ready to do it again. Won't you join us? (Dates for the next retreat to be announced soon.)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Let's Go Croppin'!

Join me for another Ladybug Memories Crop:

School Days Crop

Date/Time: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Place: Holiday Inn Express, Alcoa, Tennessee
Cost: $25

The cost of this event includes:

Lunch and supper
Door prizes
Goody bags
4 feet of table space per person
Sizzix and dies
Computer and printer for use
Sewing machine
Circle cutter
Idea books
Drinks and snacks (including chocolate!)

If you bring a friend (someone who is coming for the first time), each of you will get $5.00 off your fee.

A $10.00 non-refundable deposit is due upon registration in order to hold your spot. The remainder is due on the day of the crop.

Beginners are welcome! I will have all you need to get started (just bring photos).

There will be a table at the crop with lots of supplies for you to purchase. Many of these things will be items you will not see in the local craft and scrapbook stores. If there is something you want before the crop, email me and let me know and I will get it for you.

There will be a limit of 10 spaces available at this event, so sign up today!

Email me: or call me at 865-235-9957

Judy Dudley
Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking - Come Crop With Us!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Another Crop Coming Up

School Days Crop

Date/Time: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Place: Holiday Inn Express, Alcoa, Tennessee
Cost: $25

The cost of this event includes:
Lunch and supper
Door prizes
Goody bags
4 feet of table space per person
Sizzix and dies
Computer and printer for use
Sewing machine
Circle cutter
Idea books
Drinks and snacks (including chocolate!)

If you bring a friend (someone who is coming for the first time), each of you will get $5.00 off your fee.

A $10.00 non-refundable deposit is due upon registration in order to hold your spot. The remainder is due on the day of the crop.

Beginners are welcome! I will have all you need to get started (just bring photos).

There will be a table at the crop with lots of supplies for you to purchase. Many of these things will be items you will not see in the local craft and scrapbook stores. If there is something you want before the crop, email me and let me know and I will get it for you.

There will be a limit of 12 spaces available at this event, so sign up today!

Email me: or call me at 865-235-9957
Judy Dudley
Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking - Come Crop With Us!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

Time again for another photo for the fiesta!

This is a picture of a friend of mine and her precious "baby belly"!

Scrapbook Retreat a Success!

Wow! I can't believe it has been two weeks already since the retreat. I have been so busy getting my kids ready for school that I haven't had much time since I got back.

I also lost internet access for two weeks, so I am really behind. Sorry I haven't yet posted pictures. I'll be sure to do that soon.

The retreat was so fun! We had 13 of us there, doing nothing else but scrapping, eating, and a little sleeping. It was a great time of relaxation as well as much creativity going on.

If you were not at this retreat, I hope you will join us for the next one. I am in the process now of getting a date set: probably sometime in January. Check back and I'll be sure to let you know as soon as we decide on the date.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'm On the Top of the World.....

.....lookin' down on creation...... (remember the Carpenters?)

Top of the World - Tallassee, Tennessee - Eagle Rock Retreat Center - This is where I am spending the weekend. We are scrapping away in the mountains of East Tennessee and enjoying the beauty of God's creation. So quiet here and free from all the stresses of life - yes, this is bliss!

The first Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking Retreat has gotten off to a great start! And we are all busy scrapbooking (when we're not sleeping or eating!). The weather is perfect and the scenery the best in the world!

I hope you can join us next time (yes, there will be a next time - date to be announced soon). You're missing a wonderful retreat. Give me a call (or email) and I'll put you on my email list for future events.

Back to scrappin'......

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My New Friend: the UPS Man!

There are times in my life that I just want to get up and dance - one of those times is when the UPS man stops at my house and brings me new scrapbook products! I simply get all giddy inside and I have to restrain myself from hugging him. Of course, he doesn't realize that I am feeling this way; that's why I keep it all inside (at least until he leaves!). But all the same, it is one of the best days of my week when I see him coming.

Here are a few of the things he has sweetly laid at my feet:

These are from K and Company and they look even more beautiful in person. I will have them at the retreat, so if you haven't yet signed up, call me today!

There's lots more fun stuff at Ladybug Memories - I'll keep you posted!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

I found this spider on my porch one morning. It seems this particular species will weave two parts of a web, then "stitch" them together. I thought it was very interesting as well as beautiful.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Foto Fun Fiesta

This is a new friend I met last year at our city's Fall Festival. He was so nice to let me take his picture. Don't you just love the hat?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Come and Retreat With Us!

The invitation is still open for anyone who wants to come to the retreat. I have been busy getting all kinds of goodies ready for those of you who are coming. Yesterday I had a visit from "the man in brown" and he brought two big boxes full of scrumptious scrapbook stuff! I know you are going to like what I got.

So, if you haven't already, sign up for the retreat and join the fun! (There was a deadline, but I still have room.) Call or email me today to reserve your spot. I'm getting so excited.........

Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

This is where I wish I could be right now - Destin, Florida!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

I love taking pictures of my children's feet. And this one is one of my favorites because it shows how much we like to go barefoot and play outside (there are those holey knees again, too!).

Summer is my favorite season!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where Do You Buy Your Scrapbook Products?

I love bargains. I will wait for weeks until something I want goes on sale before I buy it. And the lower the price, the better the item looks to me. So, I do understand why people want to buy their scrapbook products at discount prices. However, I have discovered that cheap isn't always good. For example, don't you sometimes wonder why there is a lot of an item hanging in a store and it is marked down to say, 10 cents each when the original price was something like $5.00? Don't you think maybe the reason it is still there is because it is not actually a good deal?

I do.

I wonder if maybe some people tried it and found something wrong with it, told all their friends, and therefore no one else bought that product because it simply would not do what it promised.

Well, friends, I would like to pass something along to you that one of my friends has shared. Miss Elizabeth's products are not the best scrapbook products around. The post my friend wrote gives just one example of this. And I have experienced some of the same. The products just do not live up to the quality standards that one should expect in the scrapbooking industry. No matter the cost, they are not worth it.

I will not buy Miss Elizabeth's products again.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Whole Weekend of Scrapbooking!

I still have room for more at the retreat in August. There will be great door prizes, lots of good snacks, a variety of products for sale, a beautiful view of the mountains, and much more! I have been extremely busy getting everything ready and I know we will all have a great time. Won't you join us? Email me at to reserve your space.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Midnight Oil Scrapbook Designs

Here is one blog you just gotta see! It is the blog of Midnight Oil Scrapbook Designs. This company makes the cutest word books you will ever see. I am proud to be one of their retailers. I currently have the following chipboard books in stock:


If you see something on their website or blog that you like, let me know and I'll be glad to order it for you.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

Oh, I almost forgot about the Fiesta today! Here's another favorite pic from my "stash":

This is my youngest child, showing me how to wash my car with a water gun! Isn't she smart and creative (just like her mother :))?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More Inspiration

I love color! I get really inspired when I see things with colors that look fresh and cool. It just feels like a breath of fresh air has blown over me. I can't help but want to rush to my scrapbook table and create!

Looking at some of my favorite websites today, I came across these:

Not sure about where I found this one, but don't you think you would have nice dreams sleeping on this?:

From Target:

And, these last three are from one of my favorite websites, Little Miss Matched:

Cute, huh? Now go, create something!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Moon Ko Photography

I have already posted the link to this blog, but I wanted to mention it here. If you haven't taken a look at this one, please take a moment now. I really like her scrapbook style and her photography is simply beautiful. Thank you, Moon Ko, for such a nice blog!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

I took this picture at the 4th of July celebration in our city last year. This man did not move a muscle while I was taking his picture. He looked so regal and serious. This is one of my favorite shots I have ever taken.

Happy 4th of July!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Inspired by Erinzam

If you are interested in making books, I have found a blog that I have enjoyed reading. Erin Zamrzla is a talented bookbinder and artist who sells her work on Etsy. I first saw her work on Ali Edward's blog. When I got a look at the cute little books she made, I had to try them myself. I will try to take some pictures of the ones I have made and show them to you soon. In the meantime, check out Erin's blog. You will be inspired, too.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Scrapbook Book Review: Clean and Simple Scrapbooking

There are two of these books from Cathy Zielske: Clean and Simple Scrapbooking and Clean and Simple Scrapbooking: the Sequel. If you are like me, you sometimes (or maybe all the time) want to just get pages done without all the extra. You want a streamlined look that doesn't cost an arm and a leg for one layout. If so, then this book will inspire you!

I have enjoyed Cathy's approach for several years now. Her pages are clean (like the title says), refreshing, beautiful, and well, simple! When you read her journaling, you feel as though you could just sit down with her over a cup of coffee and discuss all kinds of family and life issues. She comes across as real and she's funny, too!

This book is a resource that will be referred to time and again when those juices refuse to flow. And when you only have a few sheets of cardstock on hand and want to create without having to run to the scrapbook store and max out your credit card. Cathy is your (wo)man!

These are available at Amazon. Look for the link at the bottom of this blog.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

For a Good Time, Call 865-235-9957

Remember going into a bathroom stall and seeing these words on the wall? Well, I'm certainly not promising you the same kind of "good time" that you would see there, but I do promise a great scrapbook weekend!

Maybe you have thought about coming, but you've never been to a scrapbook retreat before, and you're not sure what to expect. I can only tell you what I have experienced: lots of great fun, ideas, good food, and time to get away from it all and crop your heart out! I believe that if you decide to join us, you will not regret it.

So, if you want to be with other people who love to scrapbook, you want to be refreshed and inspired, and you want to eat wonderful food, call me and I'll sign you up! Or, send $60 deposit (non-refundable) to:

Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking
824 Edna Garland Rd
Maryville, Tennessee 37801

Remember, for a good time, call 865-235-9957!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

Here is another "foto" for the Fiesta (see Candid Carrie's blog):

This picture sums up my son's personality - rough, rugged, relaxed. He's 12 years old and all boy! I love how it tells a story without even showing a face.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Comments, Please

Since I had no comments on this survey a few weeks ago, I'm posting it again hoping that someone out there will have mercy on me and respond this time. Please?

I want to know: what kinds of "perks" would you like to see in a retreat? Do you like to be able to scrap in your jammies (you don't have to "dress up" to go to the crop room)? Are there some snacks that are better than others (surely you like chocolate, don't you?)? How about the food? And do you prefer a hotel, or is a retreat center/cabin setting just as nice? And what do you like to see in your goody bag? Do you like or not like to play games? Music or not?

Let me know what you think. I want to make your experiences the best they can possibly be. Leave your comments below or email me: And if you still haven't signed up for the August retreat, sign up today! We're going to have so much fun.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Scrapbook Layout Display

I was surfin' the 'net today and saw this post on CreativitiE. What a great way to display your layouts before you actually get around to putting them into albums. Of course, you may be the type who puts them in immediately, but for those like me who don't always do that, maybe this will inspire you to at least get them out there where people can enjoy them. Thanks, Erin, it's a wonderful idea!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Handmade Paper Crafts

I have been thinking of ways to expand my business and to reach more people with what I do. I like to make different things with paper, so I have made some things that I hope to sell at some arts and crafts events. Here are a few examples:

The item on the left is a mini photo album and the tin on the right has a different type of mini album inside.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Doodlebug Kits Are Here!

I now have some really cute kits in stock! They are from Doodlebug Designs. Look at these yummy colors:

What do you think? Aren't these great?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

It's Friday again. Time for another Foto:

This picture really sums up our vacation in Destin, Florida: sunshine, good food, and a peaceful, relaxing time. What a great vacation. Doesn't my daughter look happy?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I Have a Confession to Make

I think it's time I let you all in on a secret. It's something I've been hiding for a while now. I haven't wanted to tell anyone for fear of the whispers and stares I might get from certain scrapbooking enthusiasts. And, even now, I'm a little afraid that revealing myself will cause all my scrapbooking friends to shun me.

However, I don't think I can hold this in any longer. So, here goes:

I am a .........


Yes, it's true, I am one of those shameful people who look through scrapbook magazines and books and on scrapbook websites for cool scrapbook layouts and then (gulp!) copy them!

Before anyone calls the scrapbook police, let me explain. I do NOT copy these layouts exactly, nor do I claim someone else's layouts as my own. I really only use them for inspiration. In fact, most of the time, my layouts don't even look like the ones I "copied". And when they do, they have totally different pictures and colors.

So, I'm thinking. Why don't you join me in this "habit"? Come on, it is really a lot of fun. And, if you get very good at it, you can even begin to scraplift your own layouts. I'm telling you, it has made me more productive and my layouts so much more beautiful.

Try it, you'll like it! And when you do, send me a link to your layout and I'll put it in a future post.

Happy scraplifting!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Retreat Still Open for Registration!

I have had a few people ask if I am still accepting registration for the scrapbook retreat in August. The answer is YES! I still have plenty of spots open if you want to come. Just let me know and I'll put you down: The more the merrier!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Layouts to Share

Most of my favorite blogs, whether they be scrapbooking blogs or not, have lots of great pictures on them. I love to look at good photography, and I get inspired by other scrapbook layouts. So, with that in mind, I want to share some of my photos and layouts with you. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think:

Monday, June 16, 2008

Scrapbook Book Review: Scrapbook Page Maps

Scrapbook Page Maps: Sketches for Creative Layouts by Becky Fleck (published by Memory Makers)

If you liked Becky Higgins' sketches, you'll LOVE Page Maps! I have been a fan of the Page Maps website for a while and when I saw this book, I knew I had to have it!

Becky Fleck has put together a book chock full of ideas for great scrapbook layouts. There are ideas for double-page spreads, single-page spreads, and even 8 1/2 x 11 pages. I like how each sketch has full-color layouts to show you variations on how that idea can be used.

Possibly the best part about this book is the bonus that comes with it: a deck of cards with one sketch and layout per card that you can take with you to crops and retreats to inspire you as you crop!

Becky Fleck has done a wonderful job with this book. It is a must-have for every scrapbooker's library!

(see bottom of this page to order from Amazon)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my father:

And, the father of my precious children:

God bless you both!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

While I was surfin' the net today, I discovered Candid Carrie. She asks bloggers to "include a phavorite photograph (like how I did that?) and a brief description of why it is your phave and I will add a link to your blog within my blog".

So, here goes:
Is this a girl with a 'tude, or what? It just made me want to laugh out loud! And if you knew this girl, you would know that this is not an unusual pose. She really cracks me up!
Thanks for the fun, Carrie!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

All Day Crop - September 20, 2008

School Days Crop

Date/Time: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Place: Holiday Inn Express, Alcoa, Tennessee
Cost: $25

The cost of this event includes:

Lunch and supper
Door prizes
Goody bags
4 feet of table space per person
Sizzix and dies
Computer and printer for use
Sewing machine
Circle cutter
Idea books
Drinks and snacks (including chocolate!)

If you bring a friend (someone who is coming for the first time), each of you will get $5.00 off your fee. A $10.00 non-refundable deposit is due upon registration in order to hold your spot. The remainder is due on the day of the crop.

Beginners are welcome! I will have all you need to get started (just bring photos).There will be a table at the crop with lots of supplies for you to purchase. Many of these things will be items you will not see in the local craft and scrapbook stores. If there is something you want before the crop, email me and let me know and I will get it for you.There will be a limit of 10 spaces available at this event, so sign up today!

Email me: or call me at 865-235-9957

Judy Dudley
Ladybug Memories Scrapbooking - Come Crop With Us!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I Want To Know!

I want to know: what kinds of "perks" would you like to see in a retreat? Do you like to be able to scrap in your jammies (you don't have to "dress up" to go to the crop room)? Are there some snacks that are better than others (surely you like chocolate, don't you?)? How about the food? And do you prefer a hotel, or is a retreat center/cabin setting just as nice? And what do you like to see in your goody bag? Do you like or not like to play games? Music or not?

Let me know what you think. I want to make your experiences the best they can possibly be. Leave your comments below or email me: And if you still haven't signed up for the August retreat, sign up today! We're going to have so much fun.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Retreat Deadline Extended

I have talked to the owner of the retreat center for our scrapbook retreat in August. Today was the original deadline for deposits. The deadline has been extended to June 15. So, if you are wanting to go, please mail your check soon. There is still room for you!

Email me for the address to send to:

(I will be able to accept registrations after the 15th, but the first 15 people who sign up receive a gift valued at $10.00 retail. So sign up today to be one of the first 15!)

Monday, June 9, 2008

New Product From Hot Off The Press

As soon as I can make contact with the local UPS warehouse and retrieve my package (don't ask; let's just say I'm not too happy with UPS right now), I'll have some new scrapbook stuff to share with you. One of these products will be these beautiful page kits from Hot Off The Press. They are called Almost Done. And that's just what they are: almost done. All you have to do is assemble and add your pictures:

Here are a few layouts that I have done with these kits:

Pretty fun, pretty simple - just the thing for busy scrapbookers. And the price is right: only $8.00 per kit. If you want to order, email me: I'll be glad to send one (or more!) to you: